Happy Holiday Marketing

Ho-ho-ho, it’s time to put some holiday cheer into your marketing! Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Christmas, the holidays are a great time to put a creative spin on your marketing approach. Use the season as an occasion for a fresh idea, and an opportunity to approach clients with something fun and different. You can choose how large or small you want to make your holiday marketing push. Here are a few thoughts on creating a seasonal marketing campaign, whether it’s simple or more involved: Holiday Marketing Ideas A few starter ideas for basic ways to tie in with the season: Incorporate holiday themes into your website, newsletter or logo. Try Christmas or Hannukah colors on your home page, maybe some glittery ornaments around your logo, etc. Create a holiday-themed email campaign or blog post. Kind of like this one. Don’t forget, your efforts can be as sincere and non-commercial as sending customers personalized thank-you notes! Looking to gain new customers with a more elaborate marketing outreach? Try a Holiday Special! How to Use a Holiday Special Create seasonal hype by offering a Holiday Special. Get people “through the door” (so to speak, we suppose, in the Internet age) [...]

By | December 16th, 2013|Categories: Marketing|0 Comments

Reputation Management on Social Media

Social media is a key part of running a business these days. Nearly every company has an online component with which their customers can interact. Maybe your social media manager posts updates on LinkedIn or Facebook. Perhaps your CEO has a Twitter account. The role of “social media manager” is becoming more and more important, and with the ever-changing nature of social media technology, we need to be very aware of this unique relationship with our customers. While social media is a great way to interact with customers, it can turn into a spectacular disaster if handled improperly. Mistakes happen in business, but handling the backlash improperly can make things so much worse. Take, for example, the recent flub by chain restaurant Applebee’s. Remember, social media is a two-way relationship! This is a great opportunity to interact with a wider audience. You can gain valuable, honest feedback and take advantage of the free advertising platform inevitably presented by Facebook, LinkedIn and their ilk. You’re opening the door to your audience. Respect them, and welcome real feedback and engagement. Despite your very best intentions to create healthy conversation, sometimes interactive media may spiral out of your control, as we saw in [...]

By | December 3rd, 2013|Categories: Marketing|0 Comments

If a Picture is Worth 1000 Words, a Logo is Worth Even More

Your company’s logo is much more than a pretty picture that you slap on your signs and brochures; it is your business identity and the first point of contact many have with your business. A logo has power – power to represent your brand, to showcase your uniqueness, and most importantly, to lodge itself in the thoughts of your potential customers. Designing the perfect logo is a process, but it’s worth your time to put some serious energy into creating a stellar logo for your brand. We’re outlining a few of the biggest reasons below. First impressions are everything! Make your logo count. Your logo is likely the first thing a customer sees on your business card or store sign. People make judgments within the first few seconds of seeing your logo as they pass it by. It must make a positive first impression, and it should give an idea of what your business does. A logo should have staying power: a good one sticks with the customer. Ideally, customers will recognize you by your logo. Logos should be memorable and iconic. Repeated exposure (on letterheads, truck sides, freebie handouts, etc.) creates a sense of familiarity with you and your [...]

By | November 22nd, 2013|Categories: Graphic Design, Marketing|0 Comments

How A/B testing can eliminate the guesswork from your next ad campaign

Stop guessing with your money! Nobody likes second-guessing himself or herself, especially not when money and the success of your business are involved. Do you stay up late wondering if last year’s ad campaign would have done better if you offered a money back guarantee instead of free shipping? Would that banner on your website generate more sales if you went with the green button instead of the red? Instead of wondering, you can know for sure. Take the guesswork out of your next ad campaign or landing page with A/B testing. What is A/B Testing? A/B testing is a process of running performance tests on your websites to see which colors, offers, calls to action, etc. work the best. Instead of guessing and hoping, do a round of A/B testing to gather measurable data on which color scheme, headline, or offer generates the best conversion rates. For example, you can’t decide if a red or green “Buy Now” button would work better on your landing page. You would try the green button first for a set period of time and measure your results. Next, you would try the red button for the same period of time and see which [...]

By | August 5th, 2013|Categories: Marketing, Web solutions|0 Comments

How To Get Customers: Getting Traffic To Your Website

“Build it and they will come” is not a mantra that will grow your business. Having awesome products or services is one thing, but how do your potential customers know that you exist in the first place, let alone your products? Image by karlmfoxley @ Flickr Now you might be saying, “What do you mean, they don’t know about my business? I have established a business website that has answers every question my potential customers might have. My website even gets decent web traffic. Doesn’t that mean potential customers know about me?” Not necessarily. Does your website generate sales? Is your web traffic coming from potential customers who are looking for the exact product or service you provide and eager to do business with you? Or are these people who already know your business name from a networking event or referral? You might have a newsletter going out to a list of your potential customers with your website linked in it. Yes, that drives some traffic to your website, but doesn’t necessarily lead to sales. Since you already have the contact details for these potential customers, they are already in the loop about your business. However they got [...]

By | June 25th, 2013|Categories: Marketing, SEO, Web solutions|0 Comments

3 Keys to Creating Impressionable Tradeshow Booth Designs

What do you think are the keys to the success of your tradeshow presence? Designing a tradeshow booth is no joke. Right from catching the eyeballs of your audience, conveying your message effectively all the way to acquiring leads to your business, the design of your tradeshow booth plays a critical role there. Learn the three keys to creating an impressionable tradeshow booth design.

By | May 3rd, 2013|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

How to Design the Ultimate Website Homepage

Are you utilizing your website homepage's real estate to its fullest potential? The way you utilize your homepage space very much influences the visitor's decision to stay or leave, often within the first 5 seconds of the visit. Make sure you make the right impression.

By | March 11th, 2013|Categories: Marketing, Web solutions|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Reasons Why People Don’t Read Your Brochure

Are you sure your marketing brochure gets you the ROI it is supposed to? Designing a brochure is not just about aesthetics, but also about how you present your USPs.

By | March 1st, 2013|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments